Sunday Teams

We were created to serve.

Here at Indy Vineyard we offer many ways to volunteer. We need YOU for our service to be able to happen! Below are several opportunities for you to join a team that serves on Sunday mornings. 

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Host Team

What is it?

The Host Team can be one of the most influential parts of our church! We are the first people that our guests and congregation will get to interact with on a Sunday morning. Greeting people as they enter the facility is more than a smile. It’s an opportunity to express God’s love through Christ and help set the tone of the upcoming worship service. We read in Romans 12:13, “Contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.” Being on the Host Team gives an opportunity to do this.

What do I do?

Your role is to be a friendly face to usher people in, to guide them to where they need to go, to answer questions or find answers to questions, and to welcome newcomers to our church. Our goal is to host people coming into our church by making them feel welcome, as well as host the presence of God through our hospitality. Church should be the most joy-filled place on earth! 


We ask Indy Vineyard Host Team members to arrive at church at 10:00am on the Sunday you’re scheduled to greet. In addition to serving on Sunday mornings, Host Team meetings will be held occasionally for updates and training.

Please contact Rachael Palmer if you are interested in joining.

Kids Ministry Team

What is it?

Every place you will serve in Vineyard Kids we ask for your to bring your joy and love of Jesus to the classroom. 

What do I do?

Each stage has its own needs so the particular traits we need are listed below. Be yourself and have fun!!

Nursery and Toddlers

  • Gentle and soft spoken towards little ones that are experiencing separation sadness
  • Talking and teaching the little ones who Jesus is
  • There is no junior Holy Spirit, so showing them how to pray for each other


  • A willingness to get on their level and play
  • Practicing and modeling praying for each other
  • Be humble and teachable as you let them teach you to be childlike
  • Lots of joy and patience
  • Eager to have fun and explore the Kingdom
  • Be patient as you redirect and help them learn to make good choices


  • A willingness to get to know them and listen
  • Patience as they learn how to be friends with other classmates
  • Be patient as you redirect and help them make good choices
  • Modeling praying for the sick and expecting them to be healed
  • The willingness to invest in the children's walk with Jesus
  • Lots of joy and patience
  • Eager to have fun and explore the Kingdom


We ask those serving in children's church to arrive at church at 10:00am on the Sunday you’re scheduled to teach. 

Please contact Heather Jessee if you are interested in joining.

Usher Team

What is it? 

On Sunday mornings we want to help others encounter the Lord as much as it depends on us. One way we can do that is to make their arrival and transition into worship as easy as possible. Whether someone is a first time visitor, new attendee, or has been here for years, arriving at the church building can be stressful. 

What do I do? 

Our ushers help people feel welcome, find a seat, and take up and count the offering. If you are a warm, trustworthy person who likes helping others feel welcome, consider becoming an usher.



We ask Indy Vineyard Usher Team members to arrive at church at 10:00am on the Sunday you’re scheduled to usher.

Please contact Adam Kasel if you are interested in joining.

Youth Ministry Team

What is it?

Do you have a passion for working with students 6th-12th grade? Whether it be leading a small group, helping during youth events, or providing snacks for our weekly meetings there are plenty of different ways to serve in our youth ministry. If you have any interest at all in serving please fill out the form!

What do I do?

There are so many different roles that you can do. We have small group leaders who invest in the lives of each student. You can provide snacks for each meeting, help during various different events, or even drive for events that require transportation. There are plenty of different things to do as a part of the youth ministry team!


We ask Youth Leaders to be able to commit Sunday nights from 6-8 PM during youth group. Leaders also will lead small groups during the week for students. Depending on how you serve also depends on your required availability!

Please contact Nick Kane if you are interested in joining.

Ministry Team

What is it?

Our ministry team is made up of lovers of Jesus who are kind, compassionate, strong, and maturing in the Lord.

What do I do?

We don’t try to fix anyone or anything, but we stand with people in their times of need (emotional, physical, or relational) and intercede to the Father on their behalf, offering the love of Jesus in a tangible way.

We ask team members to follow the 3 P's of Vineyard Prayer Ministry: 

Pray up:  Prepare your heart to hear from the Lord for someone else.

Pair up:  Ministry Team Members pray in pairs.

Pop up: We do not schedule our team members, but we do like to see our team "pop up" when we are called for at the end of a service. That means you can pray as many weeks as you'd like. 



Sundays after Service - Sundays are not assigned, but if you are present, you are normally expected to be available.


Ministry Team Training is required. This entails a 4 session class covering the biblical and practical aspects for prayer and the Vineyard 5 Step Prayer Model.

Please contact Delana Bradbury if you are interested in joining.

Worship Team

What is it?

Our worship team is made up of lovers of Jesus who are kind, compassionate, strong, and maturing in the Lord.

What do I do?

You can either sing or play an instrument.


Sundays during service.


Worship Team Training is required.

Contact Kara Jones if you are interested in joining.

Tech Team

What is it?

Our tech team is made up of individuals that want to serve in technical ways here at the Vineyard. 

What do I do?

There are many different ways to serve! You can run our media computer, run our stream that we do each week, or do sound for the worship team.


Sundays during service.


Tech Team Training is required.

Contact Kara Jones if you are interested in joining.